Chat changes

At iQualify one of our guiding principles is continuous improvement, so we are constantly analysing how iQualify is being used by learners to see what we can do to make it better. Over the past few weeks we’ve been looking at the current chat functionality and have made a few changes to enhance the experience for your learners.

being able to chat with other learners can help build a sense of community

Synchronous real time conversations

All posts are now updated in real time meaning that conversations will evolve on learners’ screens without them needing to refresh the page. This will allow for more synchronous conversations as learners engage with the course content and each other.

Improved navigation

We’ve improved the chat navigation so that learners can more easily scroll through the posts. Leaners can still vote posts up and can use the formatting toolbar to customise their messages.

Building community

Whether studying by distance or in a flipped classroom being able to chat with other learners can help build a sense of community. However we understand that it can be isolating not knowing how many other learners are online and available to chat. We’ve designed for this. Learners can now see how many people are viewing each discussion with a handy ‘x people are viewing this discussion’ key.