We’re delighted to announce the arrival of iQualify Build, our intuitive and beautiful courseware builder.

Simple and intuitive

iQualify Build has been developed to allow our partners to create their own courses or training material straight into iQualify –saving them both time and money. Using our simple, responsive and user friendly interface, authors are guided through the development of their courses by key learning design principles, resulting in high quality learning materials and a consistent look across all courses and the entire platform.

Build overview

Creating outstanding learning experiences for your learners

With a focus on creating outstanding and engaging learning experiences, iQualify Build enables authors to develop engaging content which will turn learners from passive readers to active participants.

Feature rich, iQualify Build supports (and encourages the use of) a range of interactivity including videos, audio files and activities and the inclusion of pullouts, case studies and quotes to highlight and emphasise important sections within the main content.

In addition, iQualify Build supports the integration of a wide range of rich media and interactive elements which also enhance the engagement quality of course material.


Additionally, the auto linking of glossary terms throughout the courses adds value to learner comprehension of key terms and phrases.


Open content architecture

iQualify Build uses an open content architecture which will allow you to easily import your existing structured content into your course.

Author support

Authoring tools, such as a graphical view of module composition, provides authors with visual insights to encourage the application of good design principles throughout the build process. With a range of support options available we offer training to all new partners. In addition we offer on-going in-app coaching across the course development process where we work with partners to ensure they get the best out of iQualify Build and iQualify.

iQualify Partner Network

iQualify offers partners the opportunity to offer their courses built in iQualify Build to other organisations and/or access courses to offer to their learners under agreed licensing or partner terms. As all courses will have been developed in iQualify Build, under the same learning design principles, all parties can be confident of a seamless and engaging experience for their learners.

Get in touch

To find out more about how iQualify Build can work for you or to request a demo get in touch today.