author Chunk content to support learning Chunking content aids learning. Find out why it works and how to do it. We can chunk at all kinds of levels, from chunking the course into sections, right through to pages, paragraphs and sentences.
author Getting bang for your buck in online training Is developing and running online courses using a lot of time and money? You might be falling into one of the three traps we cover in this article. Find out how to do less and get more for your learners.
build Online courses aren't meant to be printed An explanation of the advantages of online and why we don't offer a print function within iQualify.
author Make your writing engaging and easy to read If people are going to learn from your course, they have to be able to understand what you're telling them. Academia, especially, has a bad habit of producing
author Introducing... iQualify Build We’re delighted to announce the arrival of iQualify Build, our intuitive and beautiful courseware builder. Simple and intuitive iQualify Build has been developed to allow our partners to create their own courses or training material straight into iQualify –saving them both time and